By it’s very nature iVISION’s status will be determined by the quality of the content we upload to it. Because video is a creative medium, individual definitions of quality are both subjective and emotive.
This fact raises several issues that if not appropriately addressed will undermine at best, destroy at worst, brand recognition/development and iVISION’s aspirations for world-class/market-leading status.
As such there has to be a single, managed definition of ‘quality’ with mandatory rules applied to individual creative license, ie. we want to set and control optimum standards without restricting personal growth/progression and competition. This definition has to have a basis that will engender buy-in from both coaches who will use it to direct/inform knowledge asset capture, editing and delivery, and clients who will consider it a key component of our competitive advantage.
 iVISION‘s definition of Quality is based on ‘Human Cognitive Architecture’ and ‘Cognitive Load in Multi-Media Learning’. Although it sounds complex the implications for coaches are both simple and logical. The resulting rules (8 in total) will contribute to content that is focused, clean and delivers optimal knowledge comprehension and retention.
Additional contributing components to iVISION‘s definition of ‘Quality’ are covered within both the Storyboard and Video Capture. The Storyboard will ensure that content capture, editing and delivery is achieved to the highest standards as efficiently as possible. Video Capture will ensure our content is impactful, enjoyable and most importantly, memorable.
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